

Cocktail of partitions
14 June 2024


Cocktail of partitions
22 September 2023
Cocktail from a partition
9 March 2023
Skew cellularity of the Hecke and related algebras of complex reflection groups
2 March 2023
Cores and regularisation: combinatorics and asymptotics
27 January 2023
Partition combinatorics seasoned with asymptotics
19 January 2023


Core size of large partitions
5 April 2022
Size of the core of partitions under the Plancherel measure
15 March 2022
Size of the core of partitions under the Plancherel measure
1 March 2022


Skew cellularity of the Hecke algebra of $G(r,p,n)$
16 September 2021
Identifying Young (multi-)diagrams
10 June 2021
Shift on the blocks of Ariki–Koike algebras
5 February 2021
Blocks of the Ariki–Koike algebra as a superlevel set for the generalised weight function
26 January 2021


Cellularité tordue de l'algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
3 March 2020


Cellularité de l'algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
19 September 2019
Stuttering multipartitions and blocks of Ariki–Koike algebras
16 April 2019
Équivalences de Morita entre algèbres de Hecke cyclotomiques
1 March 2019
Cellularité de l'algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
1 February 2019


Stuttering multipartitions and blocks of Ariki–Koike algebras
6 November 2018
Algèbre de Hecke carquois et algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
25 October 2018
Algèbre de Hecke carquois et algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
16 October 2018
Algèbres de Hecke carquois et algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
8 June 2018
Résidus bégayants, abaques et optimisation
15 May 2018
Résidus bégayants
20 April 2018


Résidus bégayants
21 November 2017
Résidus bégayants
17 October 2017
Résidus bégayants
6 October 2017
Graduation sur l'algèbre de Hecke de $G(r,p,n)$
11 May 2017
Cellularité de l'algèbre de Hecke de G$(r,p,n)$
27 April 2017