I am a post-doctoral research within the team SPACE
of Denis Poisson Institute. Mon post-doctoral contract is funded by theANR Cortipom.
which aims to study and further develop combinatorial objects appearing in the representation theory of Coxeter groups, Lie algebras or their generalizations (complex reflections groups, Kac-Moody algebras), and simultaneously, to use them for investigating discrete probabilistic models and their connections with problems in mathematical physics
I defended my PhD on 06/12/2023. The latter was done under the supervision of Frédéric Jouhet within the team Combinatoire et Théorie des Nombres of the Camille Jordan Institue.
My research focus are algebraic combinatorics and more specifically integer partitions, the Littlewood decomposition, Macdonald identities for affine root systems and Nekrasov-Okounkov formulas.
My résumé is available here.
If you have any questions, remarks or comments with respect to my research or a math-related question, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address "wahiche[at]univ-tours[dot]fr". I will try to do my best to answer to what I can !
My research main focus is algebraic combinatorics. I study formulas arising at the intersection of representation theory, gauge theory and enumerative combinatorics through the prism of integer partitions combinatorics and hook length formulas.