Laurent DELSOL

PhD in Applied Mathematics, Maître de Conférence

Welcome on my personal webpage!

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   My coordinates:


   Office: E17 (1st floor)

   Phone numbers:
   Mobile: 0033 (0)6 65 00 65 05
   Office: 0033 (0)2 38 49 26 96

   Postal address:
   Laboratoire MAPMO
   Université d'Orléans
   B.P. 6759
   45067 Orléans cedex 2

My "academic background":

Student at the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, I first followed a cursus in fundamental mathematics until the Maîtrise degree (1st year of Master's degree) before moving to a master degree, and a PhD in Statistics at the Mathematical Institute of Toulouse. I spent these years doing research on non parametric regression models involving a functional covariate with my advisors Frédéric Ferraty and Philippe Vieu. I also had the chance to share many nice moments and discussions with very kind PhD students and young PhDs :  Michel Bonnefont, Florent Bonneu, Lionel Cucala, Christophe Crambes, Maxime Delebassée, Amélie Detais, Maxime Fevrier, Mathieu Marouby, Renaud Marty, Agnès Lagnoux and Aurélien Ribes.

At the end of my PhD I moved in Belgium to get a postdoctoral position and work with Ingrid Van Keilegom at the Statistical Insitute of Louvain-la-Neuve Catholic University. This research opportunity was part of the ERC project "M- and Z-estimation in semiparametric statistics : applications in various fields". I sincerely want to thank all the members of the Statistical Institute for their welcome, their kiendness and their scientific dynamism.

I have obtained an academic position in september 2009, as Maître de Conférence (French name for lecturer) at MAPMO, the mathematics laboratory at Orleans University. I have quickly enjoyed the kindness and the dynamism of its members, taken part to several projects supported by the laboratory and started new colaborations (particularly in image analysis). Teaching (Licence and Master's degrees, of various scientific fields), research (functional statistics and its applications, bayesian statistics, ...), scientific popularization (Centre Galois, MADD Maths, Graines de Sciences, ...) and administrative tasks (laboratory board, conference organisation, ...) are the multiple aspects of my investment in Orléans.

This page provides some informations on my research and teaching activites. Feel free to contact me for any additional information.