Articles :
- A-S. Giacobbi,L. Meyer, M. Ribot, R. Yvinec, H. Soula, C. Audebert, Mathematical
modeling of adipocyte size distributions : Identifiability and parameter estimation from rat data, J. Theor. Biology, 2024.
- L. Meyer, M. Ribot, R. Yvinec, A Lifschitz-Slyozov type model for adipocyte size
dynamics : limit from Becker-Döring system and numerical simulation, J. Math.
Biology, 2024.
- B. Polizzi, A. Fanesi, F. Lopes, M. Ribot, O. Bernard, Understanding photosynthetic
biofilm productivity and structure through 2D simulation, PLOS Computational Biology, 18(4) : e1009904, 2022.
- M. Briani, G. Puppo, M. Ribot, Angle dependence in coupling conditions for
shallow-water equations at channel junction, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,108 (2022), 49-65.
- S. Labarthe, B. Laroche, T. Nguyen, B. Polizzi, F. Patout, M. Ribot, T. Stegmaier, A multi-scale epidemic model of salmonella infection with heterogeneous shedding, ESAIM : ProcS, 2020, Vol. 67, p. 261-284.(pdf)
- J. Gilleron, T. Goudon, F. Lagoutiere, H. Martin, B. Mauroy, P. Millet, M. Ribot, C. Vaghi, Modeling and analysis of adipocytes dynamic with a differentiation process,ESAIM : ProcS, 2020, Vol. 67, p. 210-241.(pdf)
- S. Labarthe, B. Polizzi, T. Phan, T. Goudon, M. Ribot, B.
Laroche, A
mathematical model to investigate the key drivers of the biogeography
of the colon microbiota, Journal of Theoretical Biology, , Volume 462, 2019, Pages 552-581.(pdf)
- M. Ribot. A survey on
well-balanced and asymptotic preserving schemes for hyperbolic models
for chemotaxis, ESAIM : ProcS, 61 (2018) 68-92
- B. Polizzi, O. Bernard, M. Ribot. A time-space model for the growth of
micro-algae biofilms for biofuel production, Journal of
Theoretical Biology, 432C, pp. 55-79 (2017) (pdf)
- F. Berthelin, T. Goudon, B. Polizzi, M. Ribot. Asymptotic problems and numerical schemes
for traffic flows with unilateral constraints describing the formation
of jams , Networks and Heterogeneous Media, Vol. 12, No. 4
- T. El Bouti, T. Goudon, S. Labarthe, B. Laroche, B. Polizzi,
A. Rachah, M. Ribot, R. Tesson, A
mixture model for the dynamic of the gut mucus layer , ESAIM:
PROCEEDINGS AND SURVEYS, December 2016, Vol. 55, p. 111-130 (pdf)
- F. Clarelli, C. Di Russo, R. Natalini, M. Ribot. A fluid dynamics multidimensional model of
biofilm growth: stability, influence of environment and sensitivity,
Math Med Biol. 2016 Dec;33(4):371-395 (pdf)
- T. Goudon, B. Nkonga, M. Rascle, M. Ribot, Self-organized populations interacting
under pursuit-evasion dynamics, Physica D 304 - 305 (2015) 1 -
22. (pdf)
- F. Berthelin, D. Chiron, M. Ribot. Stationary solutions with vacuum for a
one-dimensional chemotaxis model with non-linear pressure,
Commun. Math. Sci. vol. 14, no. 1, 147-186 (2015). (pdf)
- R. Natalini, M. Ribot, M. Twarogowska. A numerical comparison between degenerate
parabolic and quasilinear hyperbolic models of cell movements under
chemotaxis, J Sci Comput (2015) 63:654 -- 677. (pdf)
- G. Bretti, R. Natalini, M. Ribot. A hyperbolic model of chemotaxis on
network : a numerical study, M2AN 48(1) : 231-258 (2014) (pdf).
- R. Natalini, M. Ribot, M. Twarogowska. A well-balanced numerical scheme for a one
dimensional quasilinear hyperbolic model of chemotaxis , Commun.
Math. Sci. 12 (2014), no.1, 13-39. (pdf)
- F. Clarelli, C. Di Russo, R. Natalini, M. Ribot. A fluid dynamics model of the growth of
phototrophic biofilms , J. Math. Biol. 66 (2013), no. 7,
1387-1408 . (pdf)
- R. Natalini and M. Ribot. An
asymptotic high order mass-preserving scheme for a hyperbolic model of
chemotaxis, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 50 (2012), no. 2, 883-905.(pdf)
- M. Ribot and M. Schatzman. Stability, convergence and order of the
extrapolations of the Residual Smoothing Scheme in energy norm, Confluentes
Math. 3 (2011), no. 3, 495-521. (pdf)
- C. Di Russo; R. Natalini and M. Ribot. Global existence of smooth solutions to a
two-dimensional hyperbolic model of chemotaxis. CAIM, 1, no. 1
: 92-109 (2010). (pdf)
- F.R. Guarguaglini, C. Mascia, R. Natalini, and M. Ribot. Stability of constant states and
qualitative behavior of solutions to a one dimensional hyper- bolic
model of chemotaxis, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 12
(2009), no. 1, 39-76. (pdf)
- M. Ribot, Asymptotics of some ultra-spherical
polynomials and their extrema, Methods and Applications of
Analysis, 12(1):43-74, 2005. (pdf)
- P.H. Chavanis, M. Ribot, C. Rosier and C. Sire, On the
analogy between self-gravitating brownian particles and bacterial
populations, Banach Center Publ., 66 : 103-126, 2004. (pdf)
- S. Descombes, M. Ribot, Convergence of the
Peaceman-Rachford approximation for reaction-diffusion systems ,
Numerische Mathematik, 95(3):503-525, 2003.(pdf)
Proceedings with review process :
- G. Bretti; R. Natalini, and M. Ribot. A Numerical Scheme for a Hyperbolic
Relaxation Model on Networks, Numerical Analysis and Applied
Mathematics ICNAAM 2011, AIP Conf. Proc.
1389, 1412-1415 (2011);doi: 10.1063/1.3637886. (pdf)
- F. Clarelli; C. Di Russo; R. Natalini and M. Ribot. Mathematical models for biofilms on the
surface of monuments. In Applied and Industrial Mathematics in
Italy III, proceedings of the 9th Conference SIMAI, Rome 2008, Series
on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, World Scientific.,
vol. 82 (2009). (pdf)
- M. Ribot and M. Schatzman, Equivalence between the
and the finite elements matrices , dans Computational Fluid and
Solid Mechanics 2003, K.J.Bathe editor, Elsevier. Proceedings of the
Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, held
in Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, June 17-20 2003.(pdf)
- M. Ribot and M. Schatzman, Développement
asymptotique des
zéros des polynômes ultra-sphériques et application au
préconditionnement des méthodes spectrales: cas des dimensions 1 et 2
, Actes de congrès CANUM 2003.(pdf)
PhD Thesis and Habilitation Thesis :
- M. Ribot, Systèmes d'équations aux dérivées
partielles pour la biologie :
modèles, analyse numérique et simulations , Habilitation à
Diriger les Recherches, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Décembre
2014. (pdf)
- M. Ribot, Etude théorique de schémas numériques
systèmes de réaction-diffusion; application à des équations
paraboliques non linéaires et non locales , Thèse de Doctorat,
Univesité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1,
Décembre 2003. (pdf)
Book (with teaching purposes):
- J.-P. Grivet, Méthodes numériques appliquées pour le
scientifique et l'ingénieur, collection Grenoble Sciences, EDP
Sciences. I wrote Chapter 13 on Partial Differential Equations. 2nd
edition, 2013.
Dissemination :
- M. Boucher, N. Gaveau, J. Barré, L. Delsol, P. Grillot, A. Liger, M. Ribot, Escape Game mathématique, Le problème complexe d'Anna Leez, Gazette de la SMF, numéro spécial "Ateliers clefs en main", 2024.
- M. Ribot, B. Schapira, Journée
parité en mathématiques du 6 juin 2011, La Gazette des
Mathématiciens 130, 2011.
- M. Ribot, B. Schapira, Journée
parité en mathématiques du 6 juin 2011, MATAPLI 96, 2011.
- Fabrice Planchon et Magali Ribot, La journée parité du 6 juin 2011 : bilan
perspectives. Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2011
- S. Benzoni, S. Descombes, C. Poignard, M. Ribot, Michelle Schatzman 1949-2010, La
Gazette des Mathématiciens 127, 2010.
- S. Benzoni, S. Descombes, C. Poignard, M. Ribot, Michelle Schatzman 1949-2010,
MATAPLI 93, 2010.
- M. Ribot, Le recrutement
des maîtres de conférences en
mathématiques. Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2010.
- Opération Postes : un peu
plus de transparence dans les recrutements à l'université ?,
Mensuel de l'Université, Février 2008.