Research interests
- Reaction-diffusion equations and propagation phenomenon in space-time heterogeneous media
- Principal eigenvalues of elliptic and parabolic operators
- Optimization and control of PDE in life sciences
- Mathematical models in biology and ecology
- (with H. Berestycki and L. Rossi) Generalized principal eigenvalues for parabolic operators in bounded domains (
- (with B. Bogosel and I. Mazari) Optimization fo space-time periodic eigenvalues (
- (with K.-Y. Lam and X. Yu) Asymptotic spreading of KPP reactive fronts in heterogeneous shifting environments II: Flux-limited solutions (
On the instability of threshold solutions of reaction-diffusion equations, and applications to optimization problems (Hal)
Gaussian estimates for general parabolic operators in dimension 1 (
- (with I. Mazari) Optimality conditions for the linear optimal control of non-linear equations via a Laplace type method and two-scales like expansions (
Publications (also on Hal)
- (with Luis Almeida, Alexis Leculier, and Yannick Privat) Optimal control of bistable travelling waves: looking for the best spatial distribution of a killing action to block a pest invasion, SIAM J. Control Optim. 62, No. 2, 1291–1315 (2024) (Hal).
- (with E. Bouin, V. Calvez, and E. Grenie) Large-scale asymptotics of velocity-jump processes and nonlocal Hamilton–Jacobi equations, J. London Math. Soc., 108: 141-189, 2023, (,
- Optimization of the L1 norm of the solution of a Fisher-KPP equations in the small diffusivity regime, to appear in Proc. Am. Math. Soc.(
- (Jeulin et al) Anti-spike IgG antibody kinetics following the second and third doses of BNT162b2 vaccine in nursing home residents, Journal of American geriatrics society, 70(9):2552-2560, 2022 (medrXiv).
- (with H. Berestycki) Asymptotic spreading for general heterogeneous equations, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 280(1381), 2022 (hal).
- (with I. Mazari, and Y. Privat) Optimisation of the total population size for logistic diffusive equations: bang-bang property and fragmentation rate. Com. PDE, pages 797-828, 47, 2022 (hal).
- (with I. Mazari, and Y. Privat) Shape optimization of a weighted two-phase Dirichlet eigenvalue, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 243, pages 95-137, 2022 (hal)
- (with F. Hamel) Diameters of the level sets for reaction-diffusion equations in nonperiodic slowly varying media, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150 (2022), 3549-3564 . (hal)
- (with E. Ogier-Denis, A. I. Toledo Marrero, H. Zaag) A Turing mechanism in order to explain the patchy nature of Crohn's disease, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol 83(2), 2021 (hal)
- (with I. Mazari, and A. I. Toledo Marrero) Optimisation of the total population size with respect to the initial condition for semilinear parabolic equations: Two-scale expansions and symmetrisations, Nonlinearity, 34-11 (2021), 7510-7539. (hal)
- (with L. Almeida, P.-A. Bliman, B. Perthame, and N. Vauchelet) Final size and convergence rate for an epidemic in heterogeneous population, Math. Models and Meth. in Appl. Sci., 2021. (hal)
- (with A. I. Toledo Marrero) On the maximization problem for solutions of reaction-diffusion equations with respect to their initial data, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. Volume 15, 2020. ⟨hal-02175063⟩
- (with I. Mazari, and Y. Privat) Optimal location of resources maximizing the total population size in logistic models, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, Elsevier, February 2020, Pages 1-35 (hal).
- (with C. Carrere) Influence of mutations in phenotypically-structured populations in time periodic environment, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 2020, 25(9): 3609-3630. ⟨hal-02273079⟩
- (with M. Strugarek and N. Vauchelet) Hindrances to bistable front propagation: application to Wolbachia invasion, J. Math. Biol. 76(6), pp 1489-1533,
- (with L. Girardin) Competition in periodic media: II -- Segregative limit of pulsating fronts and "Unity is not Strength"-type result, Journal of Differential equations 265(01) (2018) pp 98-156,
- (with L. Rossi) Transition waves for Fisher-KPP equations with general time-heterogeneous and space-periodic coefficients, Analysis & PDE 8(6) (2015), pp 1351--1377, preprint.
- (with L. Rossi) Generalized transition fronts for one-dimensional almost periodic Fisher-KPP equations, Arch. Rat. Mec. Anal. 223(3) (2017), pp 1239-1267,
- (with J. Lamboley, A. Laurain, and Y. Privat) Properties of optimizers of the principal eigenvalue with indefinite weight and Robin conditions, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 55 (2016), no. 6.
- (with Y. Privat) An extremal eigenvalue problem arising in heat conduction, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 105 (2016), no. 6, pp 845--872, preprint.
- How does the spreading speed associated with the Fisher-KPP equation depend on random stationary diffusion and reaction terms? Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 20 (2015), no. 6, 1785-1803. (PDF)
- (with L. Girardin) Travelling waves for diffusive and strongly competitve systems: relative motility and invasion speed. Accepted for publication in Eur. J. Appl. Math. (arXiv).
- (with J. Bouhours) A variational approach to reaction diffusion equations with forced speed in dimension 1. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A 35 (2015), no. 5, 1843-1872
- (with E. Bouin and V. Calvez) Front propagation in a kinetic reaction-transport equation, Archives of rational mechanics and analysis, Springer-Verlag, 217(2), 2015, pp.571-617 (hal).
- (with G. Mark and Y. Privat) What is the optimal shape of a fin for stationary heat conduction? SIAM J. Applied Math 74 (2014), no. 4, 1194--1218 (hal).
- Critical travelling waves for general heterogeneous one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations, to appear in Annales IHP (PDF)
- (with A. Ducrot) Asymptotic behaviour of travelling waves for the delayed Fisher-KPP equation, Journal of differential equations 256(9) (2014) pp 3115-3140(PDF).
- (with M. Cristofol, I. Kaddouri and L. Roques). Coefficient determination via asymptotic spreading speeds, Inverse problems 30 (2014) (Hal)
- (with E. Bouin and V. Calvez) Hyperbolic traveling waves driven by growth, accepted for publication in M3AS,
- (with C. Hauzy, E. Canard, I. Gounand, N. Mouquet, B. Ebenman) Confronting the paradox of enrichment to the metacommunity perspective, PLOS One, 8(12) (2013) (link)
- (with L. Rossi, L. Ryzhik and B. Perthame) Wave-like solutions for nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations: a toy model, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 08 (2013), pp 33-41 (PDF)
- (with H. Berestycki) Spreading speeds for one-dimensional monostable reaction-diffusion equations, J. Math. Phys. 53(11) (2012) (PDF)
- (with J. Garnier and T. Giletti) Maximal and minimal spreading speeds for reaction-diffusion equations in nonperiodic slowly varying media, J. Dynam. Differential Equations 24(3) (2012), pp 521-538.
- (with L. Rossi) Propagation phenomena for time heterogeneous KPP reaction-diffusion equations, J. Math. Pures Appl. 98(6) (2012), pp 633-653
- (with F. Hamel, L. Roques) A viscosity solution method for the spreading speed formula in slowly varying media, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 60 (2011), pp 1229-124 (PDF).
- (with F. Hamel) Spreading properties for the Fisher-KPP equation with oscillating initial data, Comm. Part. Diff. Equations 37 (2012), pp 511-537 (preprint on Hal).
- Some dependence results between the spreading speed and the coefficients of the space-time periodic Fisher-KPP equation, Eur. J. Appl. Math. 22 (2011) pp 169-185, (
- Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of a space-time periodic reaction-diffusion equation, J. Diff. Eq. 249(6) (2010), pp 1288-1304 (preprint).
- The effect of the Schwarz rearrangement on the periodic principal eigenvalue of a nonsymmetric operator, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 4 (2010), pp. 2388-2406 (
- (with H. Berestycki, B. Perthame, L. Ryzhik) The non-local Fisher-KPP equation: traveling waves and steady states (2009), Nonlinearity 22 (2009), pp 2813-2844 (PDF)
- Traveling fronts in space-time periodic media, J. Math. Pures Appl. 92 (2009), pp 232-262 (
- The principal eigenvalue of a space-time periodic parabolic operator, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 188(4) (2009), pp 269-295 (PDF).
- (with H. Berestycki, F. Hamel) Asymptotic spreading in heterogeneous diffusive excitable media, Journal of Functional Analysis 255 (2008), pp 2146-2189 (link)
- (with B. Perthame, L. Ryzhik) Traveling waves for the Keller-Segel system with Fisher birth terms, Interface free bound. 10 (2008), pp 517-538 (PDF)
Notes and proceedings
- (with I. Mazari, and Y. Privat) Optimal control of resources for species survival, 89th GAMM Annual Meeting, Mar 2018, munich, Germany (hal)
- (with B. Perthame and M. Tang) Can a traveling wave connect two unstable states? The case of the nonlocal Fisher equation, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris I 349 (2010), pp 553-557
- Pulsating traveling fronts in space-time periodic media, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris I 346 (2008), pp 951-956 (PDF)
- Reaction-diffusion equations in space-time periodic media, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris I 345 (2007), pp 489-493 (PDF)
Book chapters
- (with I. Mazari, and Y. Privat) Some challenging optimisation problems for logistic diffusive equations and numerical issues, Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Volume 23, 2022 (hal)
- Modelling of Neolithic populations, in Interactions in complex dynamical systems, 2017.
Habilitation à diriger des recherches
I have defended my HDR on June 28th 2018.
Manuscript : french, english.
PhD Thesis
I have defended my PhD (advisors: H. Berestycki and F. Hamel) on november 28, 2008, at ENS Paris.